Saturday, December 10, 2011


This is one of my favorite foods of all time and is one of the most basic recipes ever and only takes a few minutes to blend!

200 gm of chickepea.
5 to 6 tbsp of thaini paste
2 garlic cloves chopped fine
2 tsp cumin powder
80 ml lemon juice
6 tbsp olive oil
Cayane peper or you can use a bit of chilli powder
Salt to taste
extra olive oil to sprinkl before serving
paprika powder to sprinkle before serving
finley chopped parsley leaves for garnishing

In a food processor puree the chickpea with the thaini paste, garlic, cumin, lemon juice, oliveoil , cayanpeper and salt puree it to a smooth thick paste.

Pour this mix into a bowl, sprinkle with oil, paprika powder, parsley and serve with toaste pita bread, slices baguette or my favorite is on a bagel.

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