Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick Tacos On The Go

I shredded some cheese over it and put the lid over it for about 5 minutes for the cheese to melt perfectly on there.

I made this from what I had lying around the kitchen and it turned out amazing. This is defiantly a fast and easy recipe any skill level cooker can make instantly.

1. 2 Bell Peppers
2. Half packet of taco seasoning
3. Crushed red pepper
3.  About a pound of ground beef
4. Shredded Cheddar
5. Onoin

1. Cook the ground beef on a skillet and mix in onion and bell pepper.
2. Then add in the taco seasoning with about 2 table spoons of water.
3. After everything is mixed well together and seems all the way cooked, add the shredded cheese on top and put the lid on for about 5 min to make the cheese melt perfectly.
4. Finally serve them all out to your friends!

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