Monday, January 9, 2012

Couscous Beef Stuffed Peppers Topped off With Cheddar

1. 6 peppers
2. About 2-3 cups of Couscous
3. Cup of shredded cheddar
3. Bowl of guacamole. ( Recipe to it can be found in my earlier posts.)
4. 1 lb Ground Beef
5. Diced Onion
6. Hot Chili sauce
7. Sour Cream

1. Cook the ground beef mixed with the diced onion.
2. After the beef is finished cooking toss in the cooked couscous and mix it in.
3. Cut all of the peppers in half and take out the inside.
4. Fill all the peppers with the mix.
5. Bake on 350F for about 20 minutes and then add the cheddar on top and leave in for another 10 minutes.
6. After that you can free style the guacamole, sour cream, and hot sauce.

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